G’s Expectation or The Pirate Bowl

Good evening football fans. Before I jump into tomorrow’s bowl and the whole pirate explanation, there were 9 bowl or playoff games on Saturday. The FCS semifinals finished as expected with James Madison (64/1) and defending champions and undefeated North Dakota State (101/9) rolling to the January 11 title game in Frisco, Texas. These teams …

G’s Expectation or Bowls of 12/21

Hello fans – history was made today. There were two bowls and 3 milestones. First, Charlotte played in their first bowl ever – Nassau isn’t a bad first stop. Buffalo did win the game and cover the spread (a loss for the GCR), and it was their first ever bowl win in 4 tries. Congratulations …

G’s Expectation or Bowls of December 20

Greetings college football fans. The bittersweet month of December is closing – a bunch of bowl games and playoff games are about to hit us as the hectic hustle and bustle of the holiday season, to be followed by 8 months of spring and fall camps, ungodly amounts of speculation, and anticipation for 2020. Don’t …

G’s Expectation or Let’s Get Started on This Whole Bowl Thing

Greetings and salutations oh great and wonderful fans. This week was…odd. Not only was my life outside of blogging even busier than normal (and that’s kind of saying something, tbh), but there’s only 1 FBS game, the only FCS bowl game and the FCS quarterfinals happening this week. Oh yeah, and the bowl schedule was …

G’s Expectation or What Is Going to Happen Championship Week?

Greetings College Football Fans! It’s Championship Week!!!! Also the FCS Playoffs are in round 2! What a great week. 19 games and every single one of them is…I was going to say important, but all games are important to the teams playing in them, at the very least, so how about substantially important. 11 conferences …

G’s Exploration and Expectation or Com’n It’s Thanksgiving

Howdy oh great and wonderful fans. On the plus side, it’s Thanksgiving week – the time for starting the end of year gorging and feasting. On the even plusser (yes, I just made up that word) side, it’s rivalry week. FINALLY!! Great news for every team except for those whose rival had the kind of …

G’s Expectation for Week 13 or I hope we can find something to watch

Hello college football fans! Welcome to the penultimate regular season week for FBS and the final week for FCS. Tuesday I talked about the FCS playoff situation in G’s Exploration. If you haven’t read it, please do and let me know what you think. It’s that time of year where a lot of games are …

G’s Expectation for Week 12 or Happy 50th

I started this blog on August 30 with a Welcome to the GCR post. Now 77 days later, it’s time for post number 50. I’m pretty sure I didn’t intend to post this often – in the previous email version of this to 30ish people I had one post per week. I think it’s fallen …

G’s Expectation or Let’s Do This for Nahje

Welcome back college football fans. Before we get into a really good slate of football with a lot of upset potential, I want to take a moment to talk about a player most of us have or would never have heard of. A defensive linemen from Mew Mexico named Nahje Flowers, aged 21, was found …

G’s Expectation for Week 10 or You’re Picking Who?

Hi Sports Fanatics and I do have to apologize a bit for the title. I don’t actually pick any team to win, at least directly. I mean, I did write the formula and all that, but sometimes the GCR surprises even me with its picks. There are a couple this week that go that way. …