G’s Expectation or Football’s Alive in Week 5

Greetings oh great and wonderful college football fans. As we move into another weekend we are reminded that September is almost over – 1/3 of the season (or thereabouts). First, I expect a lot of fluctuation in the GCR this week of primarily conference games but things should start being more…incremental. Of course, I could …

G’s Expectation or How to Stay Entertained This Weekend

Greetings and welcome to another episode of What to Watch and Why. Hmm, once I figure out some more of this blog thing, maybe I could do some videos too – other than people having to look at my face and hear my voice, it might be a good idea – what could go wrong? …

G’s Expectation or Week 3 Preview

Hello oh great and loyal fans. Very few things will get a good debate (or argument, or spilled beer) going faster than someone talking trash about someone else’s favorite football team. Now, that said, this slate is somewhat better than last week’s, but there are still 20 FBS/FCS games and 8 FCS/Lower Level games. Next …

G’s Expectation or Who is Ready for Some Football?

Hi there college football fans, This week is the annual boom or bust week, or so it seems. There are a ton of teams playing down a level this week and those games are usually not so exciting, unless it’s your team that’s expected to destroy some weak competition – more on this in a …