G’s Exploration or Part VI – End of the FCS (For Now)

Happy Hump Day, everybody!!! This will be a bit shorter than the others. Instead of a conference by conference view, we will summarize the FCS as a league (or sub-division if you really want to get technical). Here is the top to bottom list with 2020 overall numbers (and FCS specific) as well as 2019 …

G’s Exploration or The Last of the MO-FCS Conferences

Happy Sunday. I’m sitting here pulling the numbers for today’s post while watching some live golf. It certainly provides a bit of hope in this covid era. Speaking of hope, this post ends the conference by conference preseason SOS analysis for the FCS teams focused on the 13th and 12th most difficultly scheduled in the …

G’s Exploration or In This Episode: Conferences 16-14

And here we are again. As Robert Heinlein wrote in “Time Enough for Love”, ‘Life is short, but the days are long.’ There are more rumors and discussions about how this season is going to work out. I wouldn’t bet a nickel that all of this preseason work I’m doing will play out as scheduled. …

G’s Exploration or Part III of XX Pre-Season SOS Analysis

Hello mostly home-bound college football fans. The debate on if/when/how games will or won’t happen this fall is beginning to heat up. Some are saying yes, some no, some say safety first, students only at the games, some schools have already announced fall classes will go forward. In reality, who knows, although while I was …

G’s Exploration or The Next Three Easiest Conferences

Salutations on a late Friday night blog!! I hope all of you remember your mothers in your life or you will have someone remember you if you are a mom. Earlier this week, I talked about the 3 weakest conferences by 2020 Preseason SOS: Ivy League, FCS Independents, and Patriot. This week we will look …

G’s Exploration or Post 1 of X for Preseason 2020

Greetings oh wonderful and great college football fans. With no baseball or MLS soccer or any other sports-like entertainment, as well as shows being cancelled (check our band out – Project Detour Band on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram), I have work (really happy to have that), serious Netflix time, teenage-daughter-driving-instructor time, and not a whole …

G’s Exploration or Changes (known and potential) to the 2020 College Football Landscape

Hello oh great and sports-deprived college football fans. It’s been a long 6 or so weeks without sports for all of us. But fear not! I have been getting things ready with the hope of a season as planned. The program is set for next year with the schedule in place. My next post will …

G’s Exploration or Who’s Ready for Some Top/Bottom 25s?

Greetings and salutations oh great and wonderful readers. Last week I promised a Top 25 or 2 – I’m going to up that ante just a bit with 4 Top 25s and their corresponding Bottom 25s, as well as 3 Top 25 schedule cuts (and the easiest to go along with). ….. I talk a …

G’s Exploration or Is the 2020 Formula Actually Better?

Greetings and happy Saturday. There are no football games today, but college football is still a hot topic. Today, I’d like to analyze the new formula for 2020. Late in the season, really during the beginning of the bowl games, I recognized an anomaly. I ran some what if scenarios and the results, quite frankly, …

G’s Exploration or Let’s Take a Look Ahead

Greetings and congratulations getting through the pre-championship bowl games. It’s been a wild ride. After starting a blistering 20-5, I limped into a still-not-too-bad 26-13 with ULL’s win over Miami of Ohio. There are two predictions left – James Madison and North Dakota State for the FCS title and two, perhaps unknown schools to college …