G’s Exploration or Part VI – End of the FCS (For Now)

Happy Hump Day, everybody!!! This will be a bit shorter than the others. Instead of a conference by conference view, we will summarize the FCS as a league (or sub-division if you really want to get technical). Here is the top to bottom list with 2020 overall numbers (and FCS specific) as well as 2019 numbers to compare.


That’s it for today. This post is really more for reference (granted for me, mostly) than others. Oh, except that when it makes sense, the different leagues (Power 5, Group of 5, and FCS) will be color-coded for easier connections. FCS will be a black background with white alphanumerics. Next time we’ll dive into the Group of 5.


Thank you as always for reading and especially for sharing. G

4 Replies to “G’s Exploration or Part VI – End of the FCS (For Now)”

  1. Good hump day stuff G! Pipe dream idea. Wouldn’t it be cool to have a GCR fan portal that allows the fan/blog reader to sort teams into groupings based on various parameters (to be defined); and display information graphically, sort on the fly, create trend reports, etc. I can see it now; move over ESPN; here comes GCRN!

    1. Hmmm. That would be a great idea. Let me see what I can do. The tech to do that today is called G doing the research and providing an answer 😜

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